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Plant and Algae Control
Left untreated, aquatic plants and algae can quickly overcome a waterbody causing adverse effects such as oxygen depletion related fish kills and the release of cyanotoxins from some planktonic algae species. Dense stands of nuisance plants and filamentous algae are unsightly and negatively impact recreational activities such as fishing and boating. Through the use of highly regulated pesticides at low-dosing rates and other management practices, Claymore Pond and Lake Management can help you get your pond or lake back!
Aquatic Pesticide and Algaecide Use
Treatments involve the use of regulated aquatic pesticides that are applied at a rate calculated specifically for your pond or lake. Our level of expertise takes the guess work out of the equation, leading to desired results, in a safe manner for your waterbody and surrounding environment.
All algaecides and pesticides used are highly regulated and are subjected to stringent testing by the EPA to even be considered for use by pesticide applicators. Aquatic pesticides are formulated to specifically target plants and algae, without any adverse effects to the surrounding environment, including all other aquatic life within the waterbody (i.e. fish, frogs, snails etc.)
Generally multiple treatments are required throughout the season to achieve the desired results a customer seeks for their pond or lake. Our treatment programs are designed to be proactive throughout the season instead of reactive in regards to overall health of the pond. In other words, we keep your pond looking great through the spring, summer and fall, instead of only treating when the pond is at its worst.
This proactive treatment approach keeps the entire ecosystem in balance more effectively, leading to less of a chance of undesirable results such as thick algae growth or fish kills that can occur during the hot summer months.

Dense growth of watermeal and duckweed covering the entire surface of a pond

Dense growth of water primerose, duckweed and filamentous algae

Dense growth of invasive curly-leaf pondweed with duckweed keeping a decorative surface fountain from running
Invasive Plant Control
Once introduced into a waterbody, invasive plants will quickly take over and out compete native plants, effectively reducing biodiversity in the waterbody. Invasive species form dense stands of vegetation impeding recreational activities such as fishing, boating and swimming.
Early detection through proactive management practices such as aquatic plant surveys (Macrophyte Surveys) and treatment programs are key into preventing the spread of these invasive nuisance plants.
With proper management practices, invasive aquatic plants can be eradicated through the use of pesticides. Contact Claymore Pond and Lake Management today for Invasive Aquatic Plant Management!
Before and After Treatment of Invasive Water Chestnut
Types of Aquatic Plants

SAV, or Submerged Aquatic Vegetation, are plants that grow completely below the surface of water. Often SAV is characterized as "seaweed" or "pond weeds".
SAV is easily controlled with regulated aquatic pesticides. Treatments for SAV are performed during early to late spring, before excessive growth occurs and seedlings form.
Examples of SAV include, curly-leaf pondweed, hydrilla, milfoil and coontail.
Pictured is dense growth of the invasive species curly-leaf pond weed.
FAV, or Floating Aquatic Vegetation, are plants that float on the surface of the water with roots that grow beneath the surface.
FAV is easily controlled using regulated aquatic pesticides. Treatments for FAV, especially for water lilies and water shield, can either be selective or non-selective. This means we can either treat for specific plants or areas or a more widespread treatment with no plant retention.
Examples of FAV include water lilies, water shield, watermeal, duckweed and water chestnut.
Pictured is dense growth of water lilies and water shield.
EAV, or Emergent Aquatic Vegetation, are plants that will grow either along the edges of the ponds or in the shallow water and extend above the surface of the water.
Treatments for EAV generally occurs during the fall months before the plants would naturally begin to die off. Treating at this time ensures those plants will not grow back in following years.
Common examples of EAV include cattails, pickerelweed, phragmites, and rush.
Pictured is a dense stand of cattails.
Our aquatic biologists have extensive knowledge in aquatic plant identification, including both native and non-native species. We can customize a treatment program to meet the specific needs of your pond or lake, while maintaining an ecological balance of the ecosystem.
Types of Algae

Filamentous algae is a colony of single-cells that join together producing a stringy mats of dense growth that often takes over a pond very quickly.
Mats of filamentous algae begin forming in nutrient rich waters in early spring and grow through fall.
Pictured are large mats of filamentous algae with duckweed.

Planktonic algae is a microscopic algae that floats within the water column of ponds and lakes.
A "bloom" occurs when the planktonic algae multiple very quickly in nutrient rich water, leading to water that is brown, green or rust colored.
Pictured is a planktonic bloom causing the water to turn green.
Both Filamentous and Planktonic Algae blooms are heavily dependent on excessive nutrients, especially phosphorus and nitrogen, present in the waterbody. Excessive nutrients enter waterbodies through a variety of ways, including runoff from farm fields and lawn fertilizers, faulty septic systems and waterfowl feces. Left untreated, fish kills can occur as the large bloom dies off and the decomposing cells consumes up all available oxygen.
Claymore Environmental can develop a management program designed to the specific algae issues your pond or lake may have.